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Carbon Fiber Sunroof Replacement

Carbon Fiber Sunroof Replacement


Dodge Stealth | Mitsubishi 3000GT

  • Carbon Fiber Sunroof Replacement
  • Carbon Fiber Sunroof Replacement
  • Carbon Fiber Sunroof Replacement

Product Details

Our carbon fiber sunroof replacement for the 3/S wasn't just designed to give the car a show finish on the top section but to also reduce weight for racing and track purposes. Our Carbon Fiber sunroof replacement is easy to take on or off for convince and really attracts attention to your car.


  • Smooth black underside (Paintable).
  • Excellent fitment.
  • Ideal for show & track.
  • Stock glass weight: 18lbs.
  • Carbon Fiber Sunroof weight: 10lbs.
  • Nearly 50% lighter than the stock sunroof.
  • Allows you to open your roof just like stock.
  • Made with high quality carbon fiber.

Designed For:

  • All Dodge Stealth's w/ a removable sunroof.
  • All Mitsubishi 3000GT's w/ a removable sunroof.

What's Included:

  • CR-CFSN Carbon Fiber Sunroof Replacement

  • Model: CR-CFSN
  • Manufactured by: Cianci Performance

Cianci USA Warning: due to significant and continuous issues with Cianci USA/Cianci Performance that we wish to have absolutely no part in, we will no longer be distributing their products until the issues are resolved. If you are one of the many that are owed products or money from Cianci USA, and are refused a refund, we suggest contacting the proper authorities or the Better Business Bureau.

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3000GT/Stealth International Forums | 3000GT/Stealth/GTO Forums

If you ordered a Cianci product through our website and are still waiting for delivery, please contact us directly and we will give you a refund without delay.

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